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Aisha’s Dilemma

“Woman, speak to your daughter! She will marry whoever it is that I choose for her” Alhaji said as he stormed off. His baban riga flowing behind him.

“Noooooo” Aisha wailed. “Umar loves me and I love Him too…”

“Shut up! What do you know about love? You’re just 19. You will grow to love whoever your father chooses for you” Her mother interjected.

Umma please don’t do this to me, do you want me to be miserable for the rest of my life? Give me this chance to have a happy life please. Talk to Alhaji” Aisha pleaded, holding on to her mother’s wrapper.

“Aisha, listen to me, Your father knows what is best for you, after all, he gave birth to you. Please my daughter, try to see things his way. Umar’s father and yours have never been friends” Hajiya said, gently pulling out her wrapper from her daughter’s palm.

“Is that all that matters to you? One stupid fight? What about my happiness, Umma? Do you and Alhaji ever think of my happiness too? Or do you want me to be an unhappy old woman like you? You were forced to marry Alhaji and look how it has turned out for you. Sadness is written all over…” a stinging slap for her mother cut Aisha short.

“How dare you talk to me in such disgusting manner? You are a very stupid girl, wawuya kawai” Hajiya hissed, walking out angrily through the same door her husband took.

“How will I ever live without Umar? My life will be miserable. After all the plans we have made together for our future. I can’t stand any other man” Aisha said to herself, tears pouring down her face.




It’d been 20 minutes since Aisha got to Umar’s house bearing the bad news from her parents.

She had sat, watching him pace back and forth more than 30 times.

“Say something please” She said, almost whispering.

“Let’s run away” He bluntly replied.


“You heard me. Let’s elope. It’s obvious that your parents will never like me and soon they’ll get you a husband. Come with me now and let us go very far before it gets to that point”

“Umar, are you in your right senses? How dare you suggest such a thing?”

“I know how terrible it sounds but that’s the only option baby na. I can’t bear to see you leave me. Aisha I love you” Umar looked like he was going to cry. He had come to sit beside her, putting her hands in his.

“I can’t. I mean, it’s not even possible”

“It is, my darling. I’ll soon get a job with my medical certificate, my business can sponsor our trip and settlement in another state, pending when I get the job. We can go to Kano, I know how much you love the big city. I’ll do my best to give you your dream life then we can come back when tempers have cooled and beg our parents. You may just have to defer this semester or session and come back to continue later but everything will be fine Aisha, I promise.”

“Umar, I’m scared”

“Baby, please do this for us. If we allow them, these people will kill what we have” He went on his knees.




“I’m afraid your daughter will not consent, Alhaji. She seems to have been charmed by that boy”

Ahmed had come to pay a visit to Aisha’s parents after his friends told him that they had seen Aisha around Umar’s house.

“Don’t say that Ahmed. Aisha is my daughter and will do whatever I ask her to. Just be patient, she will be your wife.” Alhaji replied.

“I really hope so Alhaji. I desire your daughter, she’s so beautiful and decent unlike many ladies I know” Ahmed had a stern look on his face.

“I brought my daughter up well. She’s very intelligent and decent, the envy of other maidens. As you know she’s already ripe for marriage and many suitors have come but I have turned them down. I want to make the right choice for her. I want a man who will allow her continue her university education as she’s in her 3rd year already and you are the man I have chosen so you have nothing to worry about.”

“Thank you Alhaji, you know I’m up to the task. Aisha will finish in school and even go for her second degree but I’m still worried she’ll choose Umar over me” Ahmed fumbled with his car keys.

“She won’t” Alhaji said, trying to convince himself too.

“She is at his house as we speak and that is why I came here to report to you”

Alhaji stood up in anger. “What!? Okay. I know what to do. I will handle this”


Two weeks later.

Aisha ran out of her lecture theatre. Umar’s friend Habib had sent her a text saying Umar was involved in an accident and was rushed to the hospital.

She rushed into her car, started it and sped like she had never done in her life. Her heart raced. What could have happened?

In no time she was at the hospital.

One look at the love of her life and Aisha burst into tears. Whatever had happened to him had left him battered, barely recognizable.


“He was attacked on his way home today by a group of hoodlums. Apparently, your dad had sent them to warn Umar to leave you. Umar’s life is in danger because of you.” Habib explained to Aisha as they walked through the corridor outside the ward where Umar was being treated. Umar had been fast asleep when Aisha got to the hospital and the nurses had told her not to disturb him.

“But why?” Aisha sniffed. Fresh tears poured down her face. “But why would Alhaji do such a thing?”

Deep within her, she wasn’t surprised. For two weeks now, she had been scared such a thing would happen after her father had slapped her for going to Umar’s house and said he’d handle both of them. Aisha knew her father and knew how far he could go.

“Umar doesn’t want to take this up with him for obvious reasons. You both need to talk, he should be awake now. Maybe you should go in and see him.”


“Umar I’m so sorry. I knew he was angry but I didn’t know he could go this far” Aisha whispered. Her eyes were swollen from tears.

“Your father hates me for no reasonable reason.”

“I’ll talk to him”

“Talk?” Umar laughed bitterly. “Did you say talk? Who can talk to your father? No one”.

” Umar please forgive him for my sake” Aisha managed to say as tears started pouring from her eyes again.

Umar flinched. He couldn’t bear watching her cry. Why did life have to be so hard? Why did he have to suffer for the fight his father had with Aisha’s father years before they were born? Was the fight even the reason or did Aisha’s father just hate him?

“Aisha, is this where our love story ends? Is this where the journey stops and we part ways? Is this how your father will break us?”

“No, Abba! Don’t say that” She sometimes called Umar “Abba” meaning “father”. She said he was everything to her including a father.

“Then let’s leave together. Let us leave this town and begin our lives afresh in a new place. Your father will get over it.”

“I can’t”


“Umar, isn’t there another way?”

“I can’t think of any. Your father has sworn never to give you his blessing if you marry me and he promises to hurt me. The only choice we have is to leave his sight.”

Abba Let us give him time and see if he changes.”


6 months later

Aisha walked through her father’s garden in the early hours of the morning. It was her wedding day.

Shortly after the first one, her father had sent people to attack Umar again.

Aisha smiled, a bitter regretful smile as she picked flowers from the garden as she strolled by.

Umar had come begging her to leave the city with him. He had gotten a job in Kano that came with a house and an official car. He promised to make her happy but she had refused. A decision she regretted immediately she made.

The next day, she had gone to Umar’s house only to be told that he left for Kano very early that day and left no address or contact. Aisha had cried every day for weeks.

Her father eventually forced her to accept Ahmed who she couldn’t even stand.

The days passed slowly and her wedding date was fixed.

“Aisha, come and have your bath. We don’t want to be late” Aisha’s mom called from inside.

Aisha sighed heavily. She was getting married to Ahmed while the love of her life was far away.

It was about to be a very long day.


“How dare you Aisha?”

The wedding was over, friends and family had gone back to their abodes. The wedding was a big one.

Aisha had been taken to her husband’s house and had done everything a new wife was expected to do.

She woke up late in the night and walked to the kitchen to get some water to drink when she heard footsteps and the voice behind her.

“How dare you?!” Her husband repeated.

Aisha looked up at her husband. “What do you mean Ahmed? What did I do?”

“You and your family made a fool out of me” Ahmed said, almost whispering.

“How? What are you talking about?” Aisha asked, even more confused.

Ahmed looked up at her with bloodshot eyes like he was ready to pounce on her any minute.

“Who disvirgined you?”

To be continued next week Friday

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading. Head back here next week Friday for the concluding part of the story.

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Apostle Joshua Selman + 60 Life Quotes From Him That Will Change Your Life.

It is often said that the best people to listen to are those who have already been successful accomplishing exactly what you are seeking to accomplish.

Success is easier when you learn from people who have paid the price. I read and learn from a lot of successful people particularly those who are where I want to be or close.

One person who has changed my life forever is my Father; Apostle Joshua Selman.

Apostle Joshua Selman is the President of Eternity Network International, a body that put together the meeting called “Koinonia”.

Koinonia is a fast growing ministry of about 7 years, a weekly meeting where people come to Fellowship with God. It is a place of intimacy with God, a place to experience worship, word, miracles & love.

Apostle Joshua Selman is a young indisputably anointed servant of God who is a very great voice in our generation.

He is known far and wide in Nigeria and beyond for his messages which are full of wisdom and power, little wonder his name is one of the most searched for on google after you type the word “Apostle”.

The efficacy of the messages is such that people who listen from their devices from any part of the World get healing, deliverance and miracles.

Whoever has encountered Apostle Selman can not deny that the finger of the Lord is upon Him and he is greatly anointed.

He is also known to be a man of balance. He is never too extreme or rigid; he is open to people of all tribes, culture and tradition even as he spreads the love of Christ. His messages answer many questions in the body of Christ as he trashes many issues with wisdom.

He is a successful business man dedicated to excellence.

There are thousands of quotes from Apostle Joshua Selman that transform and renew minds but in honor and celebration of his birthday which is on Monday, 25th June 2018, here are 60 quotes from Him for various aspects of your life.

Life and Success

1. The epicenter of dominion is wealth.

2. One of the keys of great people is their disloyalty to any information that does not produce results.

3. The world celebrates and rewards men of value.

4. We win in life by strategies.

5. Genuine knowledge brings liberation.

6. The proof of your unattachement to things is your willingness to let them go.

7. Action is the bridge between problems and testimonies.

8. The true secret of success lies in your understanding of kingdom mysteries.

9. You become a physical reflection of your most dominant thoughts.

10. Challenges are a proof that your current mental state has stretched its capacity.

11. The pain obtained from the place of failure Will preserve your success.

12. Every dimension of greatness has a price to be paid.

13. Kingdom wealth are resources that facilitate Kingdom advancement.

14. Through prosperity shall God’s agenda be spread abroad.

15. Something you do not know is responsible for your limitation.

16. When you achieve your desired result, it signifies an accurate application of Kingdom Principles.

17. Desire sponsors pursuit and pursuit grants access to whatever you desire.

18. It is risky to not know how to respond to life-threatening challenges.

19. The hardest person to help is a man who is resistant to change.

20. Nothing changes by itself. Time does not impact knowledge, it only reveals.

Intimacy with God

1. Intimacy with God requires making Him your priority.

2. Intimacy with God requires your willingness to be sacrificial for Him.

3. Intimacy with God is a product of time spent in His Presence.

4. Intimacy with God is the first price required for sustainable greatness.


1. Spiritual growth is not determined by your longevity in the Christian Faith or regularity in church.

2. The display of the gifts of the Spirit is never an accurate measure of Spiritual growth.

3. The only entity capable of making men know God is the Holy Spirit.

4. Worship is a ladder in the Spirit. We can use it to ascend dimensions in the Spirit.

5. If Worship did not change you then you did not worship.

6. A worshipper is not a musician or a singer. He is someone who understands the dynamics of hosting God.

7. God is glorified in Kingdom advancement and not in denominationalism.

8. The infinite wisdom of God is engaged by praying in the Spirit.

9. The level of your walk with God reflects in your love for people.

10. Impartation is the transference of possibilities.

11. A spiritual man is one who places utmost value on God’s Word.

12. The Spirit life requires that your desires, appetites and ambitions come under the submission of God’s Will.

God’s Kingdom.

1. It is wrong for Kingdom ambassadors to negotiate with life; we legislate.

2. God makes men peculiar by introducing them to His marvelous light.

3. The anointing backs up the sent Word of God to cause a performance.

4. It takes enlightenment (light) and empowerment (the anointing) to produce results.

5. A track record is what validates you for qualification

6. Everything in God’s kingdom is Faith dependent.

7. The mind of God is a compendium of the infinite wisdom of God.

8. Believers are called to be demonstrators of the reality of God.

9. Stability in God’s Kingdom is gotten by understanding.

10. The more you know God, the more you know yourself.

11. God never trusts people He has not tested.

12. The hidden wisdom of God is engaged by praying in the Spirit.

13. In God’s Kingdom, you rise by the level of light you access and engage.


1. Motives, when not properly defined in relationships can result in frustration.

2. All relationships should have clearly defined expectations of behave and contributions.

3. In every relationship, there must be clarity and definitiveness of motives, roles and expectations.

4. True love is a choice. It is an act of your will.

5. Everything in life reproduces on the basis of relationships.

6. Relationship is a stream of income. Pay the price to keep valuable relationships even when it’s ego stinging.


1. The primary purpose of authority is Provision, Protection and Promotion.

2. To be successful, you must submit to God’s scriptural chain of authority.

3. You reproduce the grace at work when you’re genuinely connected.

For more quotes, visit the ministry’s Facebook page KoinoniaEni

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“Fura de Nono” (Millet Cereal), Recipe and Nutritional Value.

In the Spirit of the Sallah Celebration, I’ve decided to share my recipe for a northern drink called “Fura de nono” Translated as “millet and milk gruel”.

Fura de Nono or Millet cereal is a type of beverage popular to and consumed by northern Nigerians – the fulani specifically. The fulani ladies are usually seen in their native attires and a calabash where they store the millet cereal for sale.

Fura balls are made from millet flour which has been spiced with ginger, cloves and sometimes, pepper. It is a very healthy and satisfying dish. It is also one dish you can personalize by your choice of diary (I didn’t use the “Nono” in this post, I used yoghurt instead).

Nutritional Value

Fura (millet) contains vital nutrients such as Vitamins, Magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, antioxidants etc.

These help in;

• Lowering the cholesterol in the body,

• Reducing the effects of migraine and heart attack,

• Reducing the risk of having type 2 Diabetes.

• Protection against breast cancer and childhood asthma.

Yoghurt, bananas, dates and coconuts are all very healthy for general function of the body.

I made fura de nono last week Sunday and I made it to my taste (All natural, enough fruits and zero sugar).


• Three balls of Fura

• Three pieces of banana (you can use more but not more than 5)

• A sachet of any yoghurt (I’m staying away from sugar so I used an unsweetened yoghurt)

• Four pieces of dates.

• A small pieces of coconut.


Slice the bananas into small pieces.

Open the dates and put the seeds away.

Cut the coconut into small chunks.

Put in a blender and pour the yogurt with little water.

Blend everything together for about 2 minutes.

It will come out thick or watery, depending on the amount of water added.

The bananas gave mine a different color.

This is mine. I sprinkled grated coconuts.

This is the popular local fura de nono

Find a “fura spot” Close to you and try this home recipe.

Nigeria’s Vice President on his visit to Kaduna State.

Happy Sallah to all my Muslim readers.