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Relationship || Is Honeymoon Compulsory? – Lessons from Mrs Tolulope Adejumo

Lately, I’ve been on YouTube very often and it’s been amazing. There’s so much to learn out there. I’ve been seeing videos both for school work and on other areas of life.
One of the channels I recently discovered is Tolulope Solutions run by Mrs Tolulope Adejumo.
Mrs Tolulope Adejumo is the wife of Gbemiga Adejumo and she is a Marriage, Faith and Lifestyle Vlogger and just in case you were wondering, yes, she’s the daughter inlaw to Mummy Funke Felix Adejumo.

Mrs Tolulope’s vlog has blessed me in divers ways particularly in matters relating to relationship and marriage so I’m going to be making lots of posts talking about her videos but for today, I’ll be talking about honeymoon.

Few days back, I saw a video on her channel which caught my attention.

In this video, she spoke about financial challenges in relationships. She said something that really shocked me which was that she and her husband had had plans of going to Dubai for their honeymoon and they had already gotten the visa but then they realized they didn’t have enough money for that and they didn’t want to borrow to get married, they also thought of everything they’d need to start a new family and decided to put the honeymoon plan on hold.

Brethren, they didn’t go on honeymoon until 6 months after their wedding!


Job 8:7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.
1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Becoming an award winning wife most times, doesn’t depend on how well you can dress and cook but on how wise and prudent you are and how much you’re willing to sacrifice to ensure that your family is in a good shape.

Proverbs 31:15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. 31:16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

The Adejumos chose to postpone traveling for honeymoon until it was convenient for them and for their future home after all, the honeymoon itself is a mentality.

You can choose to go to a nice place in the country or even stay in your new house and give each other treats, if that is what it’ll take to have a comfortable home free of debt

Please take note that the Sir Gbemiga Adejumo is from a wealthy background and so is his wife so it was easy for them to get money from their parents if they were desperate about going out of the country on honeymoon.

This post is for everyone but particularly for any bride to be, reading.

You can’t have it all together before your wedding, therefore there’s a need to make a scale of preference. Luxuries that do not mean much to your marriage are NOT compulsory if you can not afford them at the moment.

Delayed gratification involves postponing temporary enjoyment for better, bigger and more important things. We’re working and moving to greatness but before we get there, how willing are we to endure and sacrifice?

It is often said that don’t own a bag of #1000000 that contains just #10, instead own a #10 bag with #1000000 in it.

Cultivate the habit of keeping or postponing unnecessary luxury until you can comfortably afford it. This is not to encourage misery or stinginess, it is to encourage you to set your priorities right.
It is good to live a good life but not at the expense of your future.
I’ve seen my parents opt for items that were not too expensive when they had the option of picking the more expensive one which they could afford and I would wonder why. I later came to realize that they had aims and goals hence the scale of preference and when their plans began to play out, I loved it better than I would have loved the former so I trust their judgement till today. If they had desperately wanted instant gratification or cared about what they’d look like to people, they would have made many unwise and irrational decisions.

Most people don’t look like their bank accounts, they choose to work and invest privately while looking like they have nothing so they can afford the lives they want to live in future.

Avoid instant gratification if it’s too costly for your future.

What’s your take on delaying honeymoon? Let me know in the comment section.

6 thoughts on “Relationship || Is Honeymoon Compulsory? – Lessons from Mrs Tolulope Adejumo

  1. Wow… I was really blessed by this.
    Personally I don’t think honeymoon has to do with location but how well you use the time you have to spend together. You can be in your house and still give each other the best experience and one can be in Lover’s Deep Luxury Submarine and not have the best of each other.

    1. True! It’s not about the location. Thanks Pulcher

  2. Thank you mama

  3. Wow! It’s really an honour to read this post. Indeed am blessed with understanding about honeymoon.
    Thanks a lot.

  4. If you can go Dubai honeymooning, there are hundreds of fatanstic places here for it. I planned on writing on it later

    1. Oh please let me know when you write on that.

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