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A Short Prayer For Ladies/Women.

Hey guys!
Happy Friday! TGIF.

Part of my assignment is to build up girls/ladies/women that’ll love and be passionate about God.
So God laid it in my heart to share a prayer for ladies.

Take a look at Lessons for the Proverbial Girl.
Read the words with the consciousness of what they mean and expect results. Apply areas of your life where necessary and trust God for a performance. Nothing is too small to be prayed about.

Luke 18:1.

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

So here it goes;

Sweet Jesus,
Thank You for Your unstoppable love for me even in my filth.
Thank You for Your Word that is meat to me.
Thank You for my family and my friends.
Thank You for everything You have done.

Lord I ask that You help me get intimate with You daily. Through my busy life, help me to acknowledge and be conscious of You; nothing should separate us.
On days when I have to seek a little deeper before I find You, help me to relentlessly pursue.
I ask for a deeper level of intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Lord I ask that You help me see myself as beautiful as You see me.

Song of songs 4:7

“You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way

On days when I feel too small, too big, bloated, ugly and not enough, Help me to know that I am worth Your blood.

Help me to genuinely love and admire other women.
Take away hurt, pain, jealousy, anger, and low self esteem from me.
Let me sincerely care for people even when they’re not nice to me.

Matthew 5:44. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Build and make me until my frail self becomes a powerful woman that moves the world for you.
Bless my Parents, mentors, siblings, family and everyone that loves me.
Bless my husband and kids (born and unborn).
Bless my finances and my career/business/job, help me become a reflection of Your Excellence and Wisdom.
Let my gift bring me before Kings.

Make me a woman like Deborah, Esther, Mary and Elizabeth.

I present my body as a living sacrifice, Holy and acceptable unto You. Find expression through me.

Help me to love You regardless of circumstances.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Thank you for praying!

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I love you โค

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Interview with Sandra Areh – “The Fabulous, God-loving Career Woman – Striking A Balance”.

Women are wonderful creatures of God.

A proof of God’s artistry.

Although with a lot of cares like what to wear, what to use and what not, some of us are still kingdom ambassadors and passionately chasing after God – a relentless pursuit. Coupled with that, some women are career women.

How then do we give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God, what is God’s?

How do I balance my school/career work, my relationship and service for God and looking beautiful?

I had this amazing interview with the beautiful Sandra Areh on “The fabulous, God-loving career woman. – Striking a balance.”

You’re sure going to learn a thing or two..

Dupe: Welcome to Dupe’s blog ma. Can we meet you?

Sandra Areh: My name is Sandra Areh.

Dupe: What do you do?

Sandra Areh: I work as a Personal Assistant to a Legislator.

Dupe: On a scale of 1-10, how busy are you with work daily?

Sandra Areh: On the average 7-8

Dupe: Wow that’s on the high side. How long have you been born again?

Sandra Areh: Over 7years.

Dupe: Great. Meaning you were still in school then?

Sandra Areh: Yes, I made the decision in my first week in school after I gained admission, although I was raised in a Christian home and I loved God.

Dupe: Were you involved in kingdom activities whilst in school?

Sandra Areh: Yes I was

Dupe: Was it easy? Having to do that along with school work.

Sandra Areh: I would say my time was planned, I had what you’ll call a triangular lifestyle- Lectures, church and back to my hostel. It wasn’t so demanding because I loved it…

Dupe: Interesting. Can you share some of the challenges and struggles you had? If any.

Sandra Areh: Challenges in what area?

Dupe: Lecture/assignments and church/fellowship meetings. Did your lecture time disrupt your time for God?

Sandra Areh: Not necessarily. Most of my spiritual activities were in the evening/nights and I had lectures from morning-afternoon sometimes evening… There was really no disruption.

Although, at some point I had to withdraw a little from some spiritual groups because my commitment was dropping due to time constraints and I put in my all into a select few.

I had to be extra deliberate on my time management.

Dupe: Okay.ย 

Now as a working class woman, has anything changed?

Sandra Areh: A PA job is all encompassing and very demanding. I only have a resumption time but I don’t have a closing time.

Dupe: Wow! How do you cope with this?

Sandra Areh: First thing I did was ensure that my employer is fully aware of my commitment to God and His Kingdom.ย 

Dupe: Hmmm…

Sandra Areh: Also, Godly character goes a long to endorse that proposition. Secondly, my major responsibilities in church are mainly during the weekends and I work only from Monday-Friday except on rare occasions where I’m called upon to do a few things or when I travel because my job also involves traveling.

I also take advantage of church online, this I do very well.

For instance, when I cannot meet up with mid-week services, I follow online or if I’m going to be late still follow up till I get to church.

I take advantage of my night times to pray and listen to messages.. Then I read books especially when I’m free in the office or at home too.

Dupe: “Also, Godly character goes a long to endorse that proposition” … Can you explain what you mean by this โ†‘?
Sandra Areh: It’s not enough to say you are a Christian, your attitude towards work and people speaks loudly. Diligence, integrity, respect, love, selflessness and more.

For instance, Godly virtues gave me opportunity to request for leave to attend a Bible school and it was granted with all joy… Even during the period I did one or two things for my Boss and He really appreciated it.

Dupe: Wow. That’s amazing. You’re a very busy woman, do you get enough time for yourself?

Sandra Areh: I do some times.

Dupe: Is it necessary for a young woman encumbered with a lot of activities to look good?

Sandra Areh: Absolutely! Planning is the key.

Dupe: Does one have to spend too much time on one’s self to look good?

Sandra Areh: I don’t think so. I think knowing what suits will save you much time and meeting the right people/professionals. For instance, if you go to a good saloon, the professional stylist will know what will fit the shape of your face complexion and do their job.

Dupe: Yes. Knowing what works for you will save you time and energy.

Sandra Areh: Like scripture puts it, “everyone should abide in their calling ” *laughs*.

Dupe: ๐Ÿ˜„

Ladies are engaged in a lot of things; considering this, do you think we can do as much as men do for God?

Sandra Areh: Yes. I believe in the power of prioritizing and delegationYou can not do everything. Do what is most important and delegate the rest to the right people.

Dupe: Beautiful.. What are the things that should be dropped in order to fully concentrate on important things?

Sandra Areh: Well, this differs from person to person… You’d have to define what is important and give it time. God, your relationship(s), career/business etc.ย 

Dupe: Do you have any role model or woman you look up to?

Sandra Areh: Yes I do. Lots of them oo.

Dupe: Can we know some of them?

Sandra Areh: Just women right??

Dupe: Yes, just women

Sandra Areh: Pst(Mrs) Faith Oyedepo, Dr (Mrs) Becky Eneche, Pst(Mrs) Funke Adejumo, Pst(Mrs) Modele Fatoyinbo, Pst(Mrs) Opi Agha and more…

Dupe: Wow, great women.

Sandra Areh: Yes, they are…

Dupe: Do you have any word of advice for ladies in pursuit of God and purpose?

Sandra Areh: God is the Ultimate, hold unto Him tighter than any other thing. God first and He’ll compel other things to follow.

Dupe: Wow! Thank you so much for your time ma.

We hope to see more of you.

Sandra Areh: ๐Ÿ˜ My pleasure darling. God Bless you!

Dupe: Bless you too ma

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