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How to Become Indispensable and Irreplaceable in Your Place of Work

What does it mean to be indispensable?

Absolutely necessary, essential, or requisite: an indispensable member of the staff. incapable of being disregarded or neglected.

People get relieved of their formal duties everyday and they get replaced by others.

Even though many are of the opinion that “no one is irreplaceable”, that is not entirely true. You can get to a point where the thought of you leaving scares your employer.

Becoming an indispensable and irreplaceable staff doesn’t mean there will be no one to fill your role when you’re gone. No, it only means it’ll be very hard to find someone to completely fill your role.

Here are 10 powerful keys to becoming very essential.

1. Be valuable; Ensure you’re not just available but also useful, in line with the work you’re asked to do in the organization. If asked to let go of anyone, your employer will likely let go of the “bench warmers ” first.

2. Your aim should be the growth of the organization and not money: Have or create passion for the organization. This will enable you give your all to ensure the growth even when the pay isn’t too good.

3. Build a good relationship with your boss and other people: Ensure you establish good rapport with your boss, this will help you learn more on how things are done. Also with people, as you need the recommendation of people anywhere.

4. Be honest and trustworthy: People genuinely respect honesty. Trustworthy employees are not too easy to come by, so no employer will let go of a trustworthy staff.

5. Take criticisms gracefully: See criticism as an avenue to grow and evolve. Be committed to becoming better than you already are.

6. Constantly improve yourself: Here are some ways you can be develop yourself in your field of assignment ➡ here

7. Find your place: You may be a good staff, but you won’t amount to much if you’re placed where you can’t function, so ensure you’re doing something you can.

8. Be productive: Being busy is not being productive. You are productive when you have notable results to show at the end of a task.

9. Be Committed: Commitment keeps you going when feelings are gone.

10. Be consistent, firm and reliable.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. – King Solomon

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Currently listening to Moment of worship by Kathryn Kuhlman.

Happy New Year guys!
It’s 2018. Wow.
Does anyone else think the years are flying by?
I mean I was 5 just yesterday.
But I guess that’s the thing about time. It doesn’t really wait for us; it just goes on and on and expects us to do what we should at the right time.
As a little girl, I couldn’t wait to become a grown up, make my own decisions, get into the university, even get married. Now life’s coming so fast I’m like “waiiittt, can we slow down a bit, I know I wanted this but chill”.
The rapidness of my growth last year, made life really dawn on me. I mean, I’ve always been growing mentally even physically ahead of my peers since I was little but last year opened up a lot to me; this is a story for another day.

One of the things I learnt last year was how time works. Time is a unique entity; its dynamics amaze me. Everything seems to be moving slowly but before you know it, time has flown past, and you’re wondering why it didn’t tell you first.

The only time you really have is this “slowly passing” time which is now.

The title of this post should have been “Lazy“, “Laziness” or something related but what actually brought about this post was the word “barren“. When I thought of it, my creative juices started to bubble.
We definitely have experienced barrenness in various areas and aspects of our lives.
Many things are responsible for unfruitfulness and barrenness but one of the major causes is Laziness.

Proverbs 24 (AMP)


:I went by the field of the lazy man, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;

31:And, behold, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles were covering its face, and its stone wall was broken down.

32:Then I beheld and considered it well; I looked and received instruction.

33:Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep—
34:So shall your poverty come as a robber, and your want as an armed man.

Barrenness is the property of not supporting life. And growth is the proof of life so wherever there’s no growth, there’s unfruitfulness (barrenness) then there’s death.
Barrenness and laziness go hand in hand. When you refuse to work with what you have, there’s bound to be unfruitfulness.

Whatever you do not engage will not produce fruits.

Even biological barrenness is mostly due to damage to fallopian tube or uterus which incapacitates them and causes them not to work.
No matter how beautiful a seed is in the hands of a farmer, it won’t produce food for him if it remains there; it has to be put to work.
Jesus told a parable of a rich man who gave different talents to his workers according to their abilities and traveled.
The servant who was given just one talent, didn’t put it to work, instead he buried it.
The master gave them talents according to their abilities. The laziness and slothfulness of this last servant only goes out to prove that he wouldn’t have handled more better.
Stop complaining about how little you have and put it to work.
If you can’t handle that little, what makes you think you will be able to handle more.
Nobody has empty hands; there’s always something.
Pull the trigger at laziness and you won’t need to pull another trigger at barrenness.

Proverbs 10 (NIV)


:Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.
5:He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.