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5 Amazing Hillsong Worship for Easter

This morning, it suddenly occured to me that today is what we all know as “Holy Thursday”. For those who do not know what this means, it is a commemoration of the last supper that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had with his disciples just before He made the greatest sacrifice ever.

Tomorrow, we remember the death of Jesus, the substitutionary Sacrifice of the Son of God. Jesus Christ gave His life in exchange for ours. He purchased life for us using His blood.

Dear friend, I’d be a bad person not to tell you about this beautiful life. So today, I urge you to give Jesus a chance in your life if you haven’t already.

If you’d like to receive this life of Jesus and experience this beautiful salvation, it’s very easy! You don’t have to do anything stressful. All you have to do is read the words I’ll quote below out and that’s it!

If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. The scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” This includes everyone, because there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles; God is the same Lord of all and richly blesses all who call to him. As the scripture says, “Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.” Romans 10:9‭, ‬11‭-‬13 GNB

Lord Jesus, I come to you as a sinner, not knowing what to do. I may not know so much about you but I choose to believe in you. I confess that Jesus is Lord and I believe that God raised Him from the dead. I accept the eternal life of Christ and I ask that You make yourself personal to me. Send Your Holy Spirit to me.

Say the prayer above

That’s it! If you read the words above then I congratulate you. Trust me this is best decision you’ll ever make. Welcome to the beautiful family of God. Send me a mail if you don’t know what to do next, I’d be glad to help you.

Easter means a lot to me. It is not just a celebration but a time of deep reflection and gratitude. It’s a reminder of a Love that can not be compared with any other. Nothing matches the Love that Jesus is.

Even in the unpleasant situation that our world is today, let this year’s Easter be a reminder that there is One who cares deeply about us. One who loves us more than anyone and anything. One who thinks we were to die for.

Apart from scriptures, one thing that is helping me reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus this year is worship. I love Hillsong and while worshipping this morning, I realized that I have 5 worship from them currently on my phone that beautifully remind me of the real purpose of Easter. There are tons of Hillsong worship about the death and resurrection of Jesus but today I’m sharing 5. So below I made a list of Hillsong Worship to Remind you of the Ultimate Sacrifice. Enjoy

Grace, what have You done?
Murdered for me on that cross
Accused in absence of wrong
My sin washed away in Your blood

Too much to make sense of it all
I know that Your love breaks my fall
The scandal of grace, You died in my place
So my soul will live

Death, where is your sting?
Your power is as dead as my sin
The cross has taught me to live
And mercy, my heart now to sing

The day and its trouble shall come
I know that Your strength is enough
The scandal of grace, You died in my place
So my soul will live

Oh to be like You
Give all I have just to know You
Jesus, there’s no one besides You
Forever the hope in my heart

And it’s all because of You, Jesus
It’s all because of You, Jesus
It’s all because of Your love that my soul will live


This is my revelation
Christ Jesus crucified
Salvation through repentance
At the cross on which He died

Now hear my absolution
Forgiveness for my sin
And I sink beneath the waters
That Christ was buried in

I will rise, I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him, now in Him
I live

I stand a new creation
Baptized in blood and fire
No fear of condemnation
By faith I’m justified

I rise as You are risen
Declare Your rule and reign
My life confess Your Lordship
And glorify Your Name
Your Word it stands eternal
Your Kingdom knows no end
Your praise goes on forever
An on and on again

No power can stand against You
No curse assault Your throne
No one can steal Your glory
For it is Yours alone
I stand to sing Your praises
I stand to testify
For I was dead in my sin

But now I rise, I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him, now in Him
I live


The savior alone carried the cross
For all of my debt, He paid the cost
Salvation complete
Now forever I’m free
Calvary covers it all

Calvary covers it all
My sin and shame don’t count anymore
All praise to the One who has ransomed my soul
Calvary covers it all

No power on earth, not even the grave
Can separate us from mercy and grace
He is faithful to save
Oh, His blood never fails
Calvary covers it all

Calvary covers it all
My sin and shame don’t count anymore
All praise to the One who has ransomed my soul
Calvary covers it all

No one but Jesus
Can make us pure as snow
We stand in Your freedom
Calvary covers it all


You were near though I was distant
Disillusioned I was lost and insecure
Still mercy fought for my attention
You were waiting at the door
Then I let You in

Trading your life for my offenses
For my redemption
You carried all the blame
breaking the curse of our condition
Perfection took our place

When only love could make a way
You gave Your life in a beautiful exchange

When only love could break these chains
You gave Your life in a beautiful exchange

My burden erased, my life forgiven
There is nothing that could take this love away
And my only desire, and my sole ambition
Is to love You just the same

Holy are You God, holy is Your name
With everything I’ve got my heart will sing
How I love You

Read: Top 15 Hillsong Worship


Oh Lord You’ve searched me
You know my way
Even when I fail You
I know You love me

Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season
I know You love me
I know You love me

At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There’s no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now

You go before me
You shield my way
Your hand upholds me
I know You love me

At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There’s no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now

At the cross I bow my knee
Where Your blood was shed for me
There’s no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now

You tore the veil
You made a way
When You said that it is done

You tore the veil
You made a way
When You said that it is done

And when the earth fades
Falls from my eyes
And You stand before me
I know You love me
I know You love me

Which of these songs do you know and love? Let’s talk in the comments below.
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Happy Easter.

Read also: 26 songs for your quiet time

21 thoughts on “5 Amazing Hillsong Worship for Easter

  1. I know and love all of the above mentioned tracks of Hillsong.
    I can already hear myself singing “I will rise, I will rise, as Christ was raised to life…”
    How beautiful to celebrate the risen Christ for we know we’re raised in Him.
    Happy Easter Mo’

    I hope to experience their live worship moments soon.

    1. Me too! I totally can’t wait to attend their live concert.

      Thank you for reading. I’m glad you like the songs

  2. Thank you, Mo for sharing these songs. I so much love this period. Christ truly paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of us

    1. Thanks for reading Funmi. Iove Easter too!
      Christ paid the ULTIMATE price

  3. Thank you for sharing these beautiful songs!!

    1. You’re welcome Michelle. Thanks for reading.

  4. Thanks so much for being a blessing. This is really helpful

    1. Oh I’m glad. thank you for reading.

  5. Thank you Ma❤️

    1. Thanks for reading Love ❤

    2. I love em all Mo’,my all time favourites.

  6. Thank you ma.
    This is hearty.

    1. I’m glad. thanks for reading Edwin

  7. Thanks for sharing. I have been blessed by scandal of Grace, Beautiful exchange and at the cross. Will check out for the others. Truly none match the love of Jesus.

    1. Oh that’s amazing! You should check the others out. You’ll love them.
      None matches the Love of Christ ❤

  8. Thank you for this reminder at this time.God bless you🙂

    1. God bless you Sis.

  9. I don’t have any of these, but knowing it’s Hillsong and seeing the lyrics, I’m sure to download them. I love you, Dupe.

    1. Oh please do! You’ll be glad you did.
      I love you too darling ❤❤❤

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