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Styling Pleated Skirts

Pleated skirts are vintage. Over the years, they have repeatedly found their way back into fashion trends.

They are no longer labeled “local” or “ancient” as they now top the lists of fashion pieces.

Styling pleated skirts depends whether it’s tiny pleats or larger ones, a midi length or a more mini length, a bright color or something more classic.

They can be styled for corporate outings, casual outings, church and even for dates.

They can be worn with sweaters, sleeveless tops, denims tops, normal tops and blazers, sandals, low shoes, snickers and so on.

Unlike popular opinions, tops do not have to be tucked into pleated skirts, they can be left free.

For corporate outings.

For business meetings, project presentations and other corporate outings, pleated skirts can be worn with a top and a blazer on heels.

Dupe's Blog

For casual evenings

For casual evenings, a sleeveless or short sleeved top would perfectly fit!

For dates and dinners

Pleated skirts by be worn with nice tops or sweaters.

To church

Pleated skirts are one of the most decent pieces that can be worn to church. They can be worn with fancy tops on heels or low shoes.

How do you style your pleated skirt?

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BIRTHDAY 🎈 – Lessons learnt

Happy Friday guys!

Feels great to be here again. 😊

The love I felt on Monday which was my birthday, is indescribable.

A big “thank you” to everyone who made my day, God bless you.

This past year has so far, been the most enlightening, educative, transforming, eye opening and developing for me.



  • Life is a gift you should never fail to thank God for.
  • Avoid complacency. Hard truth is; most times, you’re not as awesome as you think you are. The greatest enemy to today’s success is yesterday’s success. So increase in skill and wisdom and don’t wait till you embarrass yourself. No matter how much you have achieved; someone has done more and better.
  • A time will come in your life, when “friends” may have to leave, don’t hold on too tight.
  • Your battles are yours. Face them!
  • People will always be people, deal with them in wisdom and guard against offence.
  • Some things are not worth fighting for. Choose your battles.
  • Avoid unhealthy competitions.
  • No matter how strong you are, there are times when you’ll be weak and overwhelmed with life; it’s okay to cry. 1 Kings 19:4
  • No one is destined to fail. Your success or failure is largely dependent on you.
  • You’re never too young to be responsible for yourself.
  • Mediocrity is your greatest enemy.
  • Some things do NOT take time, they only take GOD.
  • Ignorance is very dangerous. Expand and unfreeze your mind, build capacity.
  • Don’t hate anyone. People act based on the level of their understanding; if you were in their shoes and you had the same understanding, you’d do same.
  • School will try to interfere with your education, DON’T ALLOW THAT!
  • Maturity and age are two different things; only a fool mistakes them.
  • Don’t feel pained or inferior when people do not acknowledge you. It simply means you haven’t earned that level of attention. Work on yourself and I promise, they’ll come searching for you.
  • Take risks.

That’ll be all for today. Thank you for stopping by and I’m still in my birthday mood. The whole of December is mine πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ.

See you next week!


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​african prints

Hi guys, ok so I know I’m always “blabbing” about how busy I am, like I’m the first person to go to school.
But really, I need to create a balance. Create time for God, school and of course the blog.

I think that’ll take off from next year.
But for today, I’ll just want to take time out to appreciate African prints…

They’re just lovely. Sown into Tops, skirts, gowns, trousers and even jumpsuits…
Let’s just take today out to crush on them 😍😍😍😍😍