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2021 Spiritual Goals? || 11 Awesome Devotionals on Youversion for you!

2021 is still a new year.
We are done with 1 lap. 11 more to go.
I’m very certain that you have one or two things written down which you hope to achieve this year. I’m talking about goals.

Goals are good. They help you focus and give you direction.
However, there is one goal which should be permanent in the life of a believer and we can find it in scripture. Apostle Paul stated it.

“…that I may know Him…”
Philippians 3:10 NKJV

“I want to know Christ better and better…” Philippians 3:10 EASY

This should be every believer’s permanent goal. To know God. That is the only way to remain peaceful and sane in this chaotic world. That is the only way to be effective ambassadors of God in our different areas of life.
Knowing God is not a destination. It’s a journey.
In fact, the more of Him you know, the more you want to know.

So, if all you have set are career goals, health goals, financial goals, and relationship goals, but not spiritual goals, then your goal setting is lacking a very key and major component.
Set a goal to know God more daily.

How do you do that? Prayer and study of the Word.

Cliche right?

But there’s no other way.

You grow in God when you spend time praying and studying the Bible with Revelation from the Holy Spirit.

One way to encourage your Bible study is taking devotionals.
Thanks to technology, you do not even have to purchase a devotional pamphlet anymore.

There are millions of devotionals online. Below I shared some from Youversion Bible App. Do you have the Bible App on your phone?
If not, please read this post to understand the Bible app so you can benefit from this post.

Below are some amazing Devotionals that I have taken and I’m certain will bless you in no small way. These are random; for different areas of life. Marriage, relationship, hearing God, wisdom, Creativity and others.

I will be making this kind of posts often because I still have many more awesome devotionals to share and I’m still going to find more.
But for today, take a look at these devotionals and I’m sure you’ll be blessed by them.

You can save the devotionals for later on the Bible app or save the blog post and share with friends so you can refer to it later when you’re done with one devotional.


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Bezalel: Exploring Your Creative Calling

Who I Am In Christ

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The Book Of Mysteries: 14-Day Devotional

The Mind – Mental And Emotional Health

The Book of Psalms

Marriage That Works • Devotional

Do you use Youversion Bible app? Share some of your favorite devotionals below

5 thoughts on “2021 Spiritual Goals? || 11 Awesome Devotionals on Youversion for you!

    1. Thanks for reading

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I will digest them.

    1. Thanks for reading

  2. Thank you for having ever fresh post for our consumption always.
    I love and celebrate you Mo’

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