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My Life Lately – Currently I am…

Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. – John Lennon.
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forward. – Soren Kierkegaard.
The unexamined life is not worth living. – Socrates

Currently, I am; In bed as I type this, reminiscing on the past few weeks and months of my life.

Currently I am; Gradually bending from school work 😭.
I have classes everyday from 8am-5pm.
I’ve had so many theory, practical and oral tests and it’s been so stressful.
School is, to say the least demanding and sometimes I just want to run away or even drop out 😀 (just kidding, I’m not that brave).
I’m taking anatomy practicals and dissecting the bovine.

Learning the anatomy of the ruminant is interesting and enlightening but stressful. I go back home with pains all over my body almost everyday.
But instead of just seeing the stress part of school, I see the moulding part of it. I’m being stretched and moulded into a better person. I’m learning how to work under pressure, be disciplined and much more. I’m putting down this blog post on a Thursday night because I know even though I don’t have time, my blog shouldn’t suffer.

Currently I am; Excited about my mid-semester break that commences on Monday even though it’s just for a week. I intend using it well.

Currently I am; Grateful for life and for my result *shrieks with excitement*. My result for the previous semester is out and your girl nailed it!
I’d be stupid to take the glory though, because in my church mind, I know that it was purely God.
Remember my experience with some of my tests last semester right? The challenges and all? Well I excelled even in those courses. God is amazing.

Currently I am; listening to Grace by Tasha Cobbs.
Grace has brought me thus far. Without God’s grace, I wonder where I’d be.
God’s love washes over my being and many times, just remembering the fact that He’s so crazy about me, keeps me going.

Currently I am; Slayingggggg. In jeans, different hairstyles, tops, gowns, skirts, kimonos, anything. I’m just slaying for Jesus anyhow. I have to represent you guys well 😊.

Currently I am; Working on becoming more organized. Particularly in little things like making my bed. I don’t leave to school until my bed is well laid and neat.
Thinking of my massive bed, beautifully spread with my pink sheets keeps me going sometimes in school 😂.

Currently I am; In love with many blogs but I’m stuck on two. Ife Grace and Ezinne Zara. Two amazing ladies. Their blogs are the closest to mine that I’ve come across.

Currently I am; Reading Francine Rivers’ Redeeming Love. (Apart from school books of course).
Basically, it’s a story of “the man of God and his harlot wife” – Hosea in the Bible.
It’s very interesting, thrilling and entertaining.

Currently I am; Joining the “fit fam” train after a painfully true conversation I had with my dad yesterday about food, exercise and the need to be healthy. I’m cutting low on carbs and sugar and staying away from sugary drinks and biscuits.
I have cleaned the dusts off my track shoes as I resume the gym on Monday.

It is important we stay healthy.

Currently I am; Very motivated. Many things are possible. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and reaching out for greater things. I’m discovering how much more I can do and that fear and uncertainty have kept me from a lot.

I could go on but I’ll stop here…. Let me know if you need to know more about my personal life. You could leave questions in the comment section below.

Finally, I’m grateful for my blog and for everyone who reads it. I love you guys more than you can imagine.

What have you been up to lately?

9 thoughts on “My Life Lately – Currently I am…

  1. For Lamar, currently I’m so in love with
    Lamar is also having a swell time here on this beautiful side of earth.
    I’ll love to know more about the blogger also when are you graduating so I know when I can legally call you Dr. Modupe?
    Thank you for the update!!!

    1. Lol thank you so much!
      I’ll be graduating very soon but you can prophetically call me Doctor 😁

  2. Currently, I feel at home reading this. Love you Dups!

    1. I love you more Mama. Thank you so much ❤

  3. Currently I Am_ admiring your dad for setting you free 😉
    Also, Currently I Am listening to “Beautiful” by Phil Wickham…

    1. 😂 I forgive you Elijah

  4. Currently I Am_ admiring your dad for setting you free 😉
    Also, currently I am listening to “Beautiful” by Phil Wickham

  5. This was such a good read.
    I would hug your dad for telling you the right thing to do.
    It’s important we live a healty life.
    Come Monday, we’ll be shaking off some calories in the gym. Lol
    Proud of you.

    1. Thank you so much RRY 😍

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