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BGM || Interview with Naomi Destiny on the Power of Networking.

Ever heard of the saying “Your network is your net worth”?

Yes, a man is only as wealthy as his association.
Networking involves rubbing minds with people of the same passion and assignment as you. Getting to learn and grow in your area of specialty.

You’re as good as the association you keep.

Stay with me as I go into the crux of networking with Naomi Destiny.

Welcome to Dupe’s Blog ma’am. Let’s meet you.

Thank you for having me.

I’m Naomi Destiny, a purpose-driven lady passionate about inspiring young ones unto living a well meaningful and productive life. I write and own an inspirational blog focusing on career, lifestyle, productivity, and personal development. I’m a faith influencer, a certified Accountant by profession, an entrepreneur at Sensationals (a gift brand and consultation company), the curator of Inspiration Diaries and the 21st Century Woman (a faith-for-purpose platform that celebrates inspiring people making impact). I am obsessed with personal growth and development, as I help others develop themselves and inspire them unto living the life God wants them to live.

What do you love about being a black girl?

I love being a black girl because I am a proud black African woman.

Black girls are determined, strong, fearless, bold and courageous. We have so much resilience within us and we are confident in who God made us to be.

I love that I am unique in my own way and accepting who I am inspires others to do the same.

What do you think about Dupe’s Blog?

I think it’s an ever blooming blog. is your online destination for all helpful tips relating to faith, lifestyle, and women. You are doing a great work here and I pray God multiplies you. Keep shining the light!

What is your definition of networking?

Networking is all about building quality relationships and genuine connections with real people. It’s not just about forming cliques or some association of cool girls or fine boys, it’s about establishing valuable connections with people who you are genuinely interested in and are also interested in you.

Who needs networking?

Everyone needs networking. These days, without the right kind of connection, it’s a bit difficult getting a sit at the top. It’s not just about who you know, it’s also about who knows you. The right relationship can give you what money cannot buy. It can give you access to information, opportunities, and places you may not be able to afford. And that’s why it is important we value the people we meet daily because we never can tell where we will meet them in the future.

Of what importance is networking to the black girl?

Networking is one of the most powerful thing a black girl can leverage on to attain success in life. We all need people on our journey to success, people who are able to laugh with us, cheer us up, support us, and recommend our great works to others. If you check your life and you cannot boast about having 3-5 valuable relationships right now, then you must be joking. Robert Kiyosaki said, “The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work”. You don’t have to wait for people to come to you, make the first move. Reach out to people doing great things you admire or hope to do someday, tell them how encouraged you are by what they are doing and if you are able to communicate value, they will connect with you too.

Have you networked before and how has it benefited you?

Most of the significant people I have met in life and places I have worked, came as a result of me being able to network with someone who knows someone that knows someone that recommended me. I believe so much in the power of divine connections through networking because I have benefited a lot from it. I have gained useful insights from the people I meet daily in life, learnt from their mistakes and experience, followed their meaningful advice and shared wisdom, gained worldwide exposure, etc. And you know, it’s always encouraging having a strong support system, including people who are able to walk you through some really difficult aspects of life other than just doing it alone. That’s what networking has been able to do for me.

What’s the first step into networking?

Be interested in others – Serving others is one of the first step into networking. If you are not interested in other people, what makes you think other people will be interested in you?

Smile – People’s perception of you has a way of influencing them to network with you. Smiling at others increases your likeability factor.

Offer value – After meeting people or getting to know about them, try to offer them something valuable. It gives a good impression about you and makes it hard to forget you.

Don’t try to be what you are not – My spiritual Father, Apostle Joshua Selman will always say; Genuine people are scarce. And that’s so true because in a world where we have people faking it until they make it, it’s rare to find people who are sincere and true. Don’t add to the number, be who you are and don’t try to be someone you are not.
Network with a goal in mind – Don’t just connect with people anyhow, be mindful and strategic about it. We all hope to meet great people on our path to success but how many of us are actually prepared for it? Do you just want to meet Mark Zuckerberg because you want to take a selfie or because you have a goal in mind?

Say hello – First impression is also very important in networking. Don’t wait for introductions before saying a word to people, you can start by saying “hello, your dress is stunning”.

What are the benefits of networking?

As it is commonly said, your network is your net worth. The kind of people you associate yourself with determines the quality of your life. Networking expands your network, it gives you the right access to people, advices, places, and opportunities. Networking can also help you generate referrals for your business, increase your level of confidence, and improve your online visibility.

Who can network?

Networking is for everyone who is serious about building the right kind of relationships. We were not created to do life all by ourselves and that’s why God often make us cross paths with certain people. No matter what you want to achieve in life, there is someone that has made an attempt of it. Reach out to those people, don’t die in isolation.

You can find Naomi Destiny on her blog at or follow her on social media on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.
Facebook: Naomi Destiny David
Twitter: Naomidestiny
Instagram: Naomi_destiny

Pinterest: Naomi_destiny