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9 things you should journal about || Best journaling ideas

Perhaps you’re like me and have lots of journals. More journals than you think you’ll ever need, but you’re bankrupt on journaling ideas. In this blog post, I’ll be educating you on 7 things you can journal about.

Journaling is an age long practice that has been brought back in our time and remodernized. Journaling has overtime become one of the most powerful secrets of great people. It is an art that goes beyond just writing. It is a spiritual weapon and a powerful mind tool.

I tell people about how I love journaling and can’t seem to do without it, it’s nearly impossible I dare to say. Unfortunately some of those people don’t get it and I won’t blame them, it’s because they haven’t tried it.

According to Journal writer and Journalist Micheal Grothaus, there are studies that suggest that journaling can strengthen the immune system, drop blood pressure, help you sleep better and generally keep you healthier (2015)

If you have been seeing people making a fuss about journaling and you’re wondering what the big deal is, or you own a few journals and you’re quite confused on what to do with them. Permit me to ask you to hold on, and not turn your beautiful journals into a grocery or shopping list yet. It was made to serve you in much more productive ways.
Explore the amazing journaling ideas below to see all the different things you can journal about.

journaling ideas

Best journaling ideas

  1. Gratitude Journal
    “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie
    Gratitude journaling is one of the best forms of journaling. Making a habit of writing down the things and people you’re grateful for, and why.
    This helps you hold on to the gifts that life presents you with and reflect more on good things than bad.
    You can use your journal to write daily, what you’re grateful for.
  2. Prayer requests journals
    You can journal your prayer requests and your desires. Write down the things you’re praying about or the people you want to pray for. This will help you in two ways; You will always remember that there are things to pray about, and be more consistent with prayers. Secondly, it’ll help you to be thankful when you go back on the things you’ve prayed about in time past and how they were settled. So your prayer request journal can double as your testimony journal.
  3. Random sparking thoughts
    You know those flashing thoughts that come to you often or occasionally and it’s a light bulb moment? They deserve to be documented.
    Thoughts like that, are volatile and can be lost forever if not captured and stored. Some of these thoughts are purely divinely inspired and can be the solution to a particular problem.
    Write down your sparking thoughts.
  4. Ideas and creative plans
    If you’re a creative of any sort (which I believe we all are), ideas will be coming to you frequently, and they are things that can advance your brand, business, firm, company, or just all round personal growth. You need a dedicated journal for that. So this is another journaling idea.
  5. Love
    It’s that feeling you get or give to someone or something. Everyone has experienced it including you making it something worth written on. It could be an personal experience, a lesson learnt or a journey.
  6. A journal to your future self of younger self
    This can serve of self acceptance, healing and growth, it helps you acknowledge the past (both mistakes and achievements) and grooms you for the future.
  7. A journal for your study of the Bible
    Writing down your thoughts while you read the word of God makes your Bible study more efficient and fulfilling, giving you insight on areas you want to build more capacity on.
  8. A journal for problem solving
    In every generation there are problem solvers and people with lots of solution filled ideas. What’s one problem you got solution filled ideas on?. Thinking of a solution to a problem around you? don’t just think, write it down and as you write it down begin to work on it.
  9. A journal for everything
    This is my favorite one yet, writing down everything you feel, think, know and see. It could be your spiritual life, work life, mental health anything and everything you can write it down and keep records of it.

Now I believe you’ve got an idea on what to journal on, and I hope you start as soon as possible and dive into the world of journaling, experiencing what every journal writer experiences as they write down their thoughts, goals, mistakes and more.

3 thoughts on “9 things you should journal about || Best journaling ideas

  1. Hey Dupe, thank you for this blog post. I notice you post infrequently now. Should we expect more from you than the once-a-month posts?

    1. Help Bassey, thank you for reaching out. I have been buried in school work. But I’m working towards making at least a post weekly. So yes, you should expect more posts from me.
      Thank you

  2. This is helpful. Thank you.

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