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“I saw the purity of his intentions, the genuineness of his passion and the depth of his conviction and commitment…” Nonye and David’s Love Story #TheNDblessing.

Where there is love there is life. –Mahatma Gandhi

The Bible didn’t lie when It said “the greatest of these is love.” Love is beautiful. The God kind of love – which is the only true love – is divine. And when a person who is committed to loving like God does, finds another person with the same desire, a haven is created.

Nonye and David’s love is one for the books. Individually, they’re unique and outstanding. It’s no surprise that their coming together was to say the least, phenomenal. Their union is a force. A perfect blend.

We share their love story (#TheNDblessing) with you below. Feel free to enjoy and gush over it. But beyond those, be alert to pick important subtle lessons too.

From Nonye

"I became really drawn to him and felt a lot of peace and ease around him and I soon couldn’t imagine doing life with any other person."

“First time I had an awareness of my husband David was around 2015/2016. He was a Leader (Head of Department) in the ministry we both attend, so he was quite notable while I was more of the type that avoids the spotlight.

“We didn’t have any close contact but good things were spoken of him hence asides his position, I had a lot of respect and admiration for him for being reserved, focused and intelligent.

“He was also quite good looking and always well put together, but I didn’t really give thought to anything further nor did I have a clue that he already had eyes on me years prior lol (cause we ladies usually know). I was hence surprised to get a Facebook message from him in December of 2019.

“We started off with the usual pleasantries, filled with a lot of “yes sir” responses from me. He then informed me that he was actually a bit nervous and had been trying to initiate a conversation for 4 years. I asked him if there were two horns on my head to which he replied was “an understatement” lol. That eased things up and the conversation flowed freely from there.

“He said he wanted me to be the first friend he makes in 2020 and asked for my number to chat me up on WhatsApp as I was hardly active on Facebook. I offered to get his instead and chat him up first as proof that I didn’t have a tail and pitchfork.

Our first physical meet up was in a very interesting location, somewhat divine – it gave me a sense of how much of a big deal I was to him. He was really intentional and upfront about his intentions. I however had a couple of things on my mind then and wasn’t so forthcoming but he stayed around as a friend, was patient with me and was there for me through that season.

Within that time, I saw the purity of his intentions, the genuineness of his passion and the depth of his conviction and commitment. It was like he had an unconditional love for me even before he got to really know me and didn’t require so much effort from me.

“There was also the many other qualities he had; a genuine fear of God, a high sense of responsibility, being very visionary and the diligence to actualise his vision.

Read – Grace and Emmanuel’s journey to forever

“I became really drawn to him and felt a lot of peace and ease around him and I soon couldn’t imagine doing life with any other person. With the Word of God, wise counsel and prayers, I made a very confident decision.

“We had to do long distance for some time and I saw even more how committed and passionate he was. I see this in increasing measures day after day. He is a blessing in every sense of the word.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Read David’s perspective of the story on Bella Naija weddings below ⬇.

You are my song. You are my song of love.” ❤️

Read – Surprise Proposal on her Birthday. George and Evan’s Love and Proposal Story

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9 Important Christian dating questions to ask before dating

Christian dating questions to ask before dating.
You have met someone that makes the butterflies in your belly fruitful and multiply. He's all you now think about, day and night. Hardly a day passes without you thinking about and talking to them. You want to date them. 

Hit the brakes sis. Hold on!

Trust us, you do not want to jump into this.

His sense of dressing may be second to none. His physical appearance, breathtaking and in all honesty, he may seem like a one in a million kind of guy and you do not want him to slip out of your fingers but You do not know if he is right for You judging by just those parameters. Dating is way deeper than that. Especially for You, a daughter of the King of Kings.

The chemistry may seem perfect and everything may seem beautiful between you two. But how about weeks, months, and years down the line? Do you know what it will look like?

Well, you do not have to. God already does. This is why you must engage His discernment in this decision. You must prayerfully and with wisdom, navigate these dating terrains.

There are certain questions that you must answer or seek answers to if you are thinking of dating a person. These questions will give you a very good head start in knowing the kind of person this individual is and if he is God’s Will for you.

Questions to ask before dating

1. Is He a person of Faith?

This should go without saying. However we do not want to assume everyone knows this. You shouldn’t be looking for any more questions for christian men if the person you’re considering dating is not a believer in Christ Jesus. Hence, this is one of the most important questions for christian dating.

That is all the sign you need to say goodbye.

Do not assume anything. Carefully observe and if necessary, ask him about his faith and belief.

2. What are his beliefs on dating and marriage?

This is an important one among the questions to ask christian guys. You’d be surprised at the very absurd and strange beliefs people have about dating. After confirming that he’s a believer, you still want to know if his dating goals are same as yours.

Does he think you both should just “go with the flow?”

Does he believe sex in a Christian relationship is normal?

Is he dating with the intention of getting married soon?

You want to know the answers to these questions either by asking him directly, creating conversations around it and listening to him speak, or just finding out from people close to him.

Should you kiss in a Christian relationship?

3. Do you like him as a person?

You may be surprised but this is an important one amongst the christian date questions. This is a question for you. Ask yourself if you like him as a person. Your reason for getting married to him should never be just because he came to you or because you’re desperate for a relationship. That may not end well.

You must be sure that beyond the butterflies he creates in your belly, you actually like his personality and enjoy his company.

Do you like him?

4. Are you ready for a relationship?

Yes, you.

This is one of the questions to ask before dating. Before delving further into christian dating questions, ask yourself if you’re ready for a relationship and give a honest response. You have no business going into something you’re not ready for. If you need some time to sort of things going on with you, there’s nothing wrong with saying that.

If you’re in a place where your relationship with Christ is shaky and inconsistent, you want to attend to that first and forget about dating in the interim.

In the case where you have unresolved trauma and issues and want to see a therapist, you should do that first.

If you’re still hurt from your previous relationship or relationships and are yet to come to terms with how it ended and the role you played in it, it is important to do that to avoid replaying your previous relationships in this one.

There’s just a lot of things you should not take into a relationship with you. Fix them first.

5. How does he behave to people around him?

He may treat you right but does he treat people around him well? Especially people who aren’t influential or wealthy.

His behavior towards these people goes a long way to tell you the kind of person he is. Flee is his character is inconsistent. This is great christian girl dating advice.

6. Who are his friends?

You do not choose your family but to a large extent, you choose your friends. The Bible instructs us to be wary of our association because we can be influenced. Knowing a person’s friends gives you an insight into the person’s lifestyle and personality. Hence, this is one of the important questions to ask before dating and should be added to your list of questions for christian men.

Are his friends godly, responsible and kind?

Or are they sarcastic, reckless and godless?

7. Have you prayed about it?

Have you attempted taking this matter to the Lord in prayer?

Your dating life is a huge part of your life and is one part you must not leave God out of. We subject ourselves to needless pain and regret when we do not put God at the beginning.

8. Have you shared it with a trusted person?

As a Christian girl, it is important to have a wise confidant who serves as a voice of reasoning to you. This person may be a friend from church, your mum, Bible study member, mentor, etc.

READ – Exciting things to do in your Christian relationship

If you have such a person in your life, have you talked to them about this? This is great christian girl dating advice because in the multitude of counsel, there is safety.

9. Will a relationship with this person bring Glory to God?

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If something as “little” as our eating and drinking is meant to bring Glory to God, how much more something as major as your relationship?

A relationship with a person who isn’t passionate about bringing Glory to God will lead to a relationship that does not glorify God. That’s a direct litmus test to knowing if he’s the one or not. It’s that simple.

Who you date as a Christian girl is a big deal and you must treat it as such.

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There are lots of beautiful affirmations for Christian woman that you definitely should know. “I affirm that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Who do you see when you look in the mirror? We’re sure it differs day by day. Somedays, you see a beautiful and strong lady, other days, you see a lady who is vulnerable, weak, and filled with so much guilt or weaknesses.
If you find yourself in a constant need for validation and acceptance, then what you actually need is the knowledge and remembrance of your position in Christ. You need to affirm God’s truth over your life as a godly woman, please do read along.

Before I show you 25 affirmations for the Christian woman, I would like you to understand that Christian positive affirmations are effective. They make you remember that you are dependent on God. Others may use affirmations and affirmation cards just as a tool to think positively. But we need godly women affirmations as practical tools to guard and guide our hearts.
The 25 godly affirmations for women below are sure to make you feel amazing and walk in all that God has made you to be.

Say these biblical positive affirmations for women with your head held high because these are the truths about you and share them with your friends as well because when the whole squad needs to be fully aware of their awesomeness in Jesus.

Godly woman affirmations
Sharing is caring

I affirm that:

I affirm that I am more precious than jewels
(Proverbs 31:10). This is one of the most powerful godly woman affirmations because it reminds you of how valuable you are in God’s sight regardless of what anyone thinks of you.

I am loved beyond measure (Romans 8:38-39).

I know the Lord is with me (Psalm 116:8)

I am God’s Masterpiece
(Ephesians 2:10) This beautiful affirmation for Christian woman reveals that God created you anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the things he planned for us long-ago.

I affirm that God delights in me (Zephaniah 3:17)

I am Bold
(2 Corinthians 3:12). Declare this powerful Christian positive affirmation today dear Queen and shake off that spirit of timidity and walk in God’s spirit of boldness.

I am the Fragrance of Christ (2Corinthians 2:15)

READ – 20 things you should do in your 20s as a Christian lady.

I am unique
(1 Peter 2:9). As you proclaim this Biblical positive affirmation for women today, remember that you are God’s very own possession.

I am wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). This particular Biblical positive affirmation for women hits differently.It shows us that we are designed by our creator in an excellent manner. Everything created about you was designed intentionally,for you are never a mistake in God’s sight.

I Affirm that I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:31) Believe this day that for every challenge you face, God has given you his grace to be a victor.

I am God’s own (Isaiah 43:1)

I am created for a purpose (Jeremiah 29:11).
God’s plans for His children are always perfect and never flawed. You are called for a very purpose.

I am Empowered (Philippians 4:13).
This godly woman affirmation reminds us that it is important to be content in all situations. It is important to rely on God’s strength even when others are ready to help in rough times.

I am loved ( Jeremiah 31:3)

I Affirm that I am secured in God’s hands
(1Chronicle 28:20).Each day as you step out, always remember that you are safe in the hands of God because his hand gives us his provisions,power, presence and protection so we can have salvation and safety.

I am always on God’s mind (Psalm 139:13). This particular godly woman affirmation speaks God’s pure love towards his children. God is constantly thinking of you dear child of God.He sees your pain,he hears your cry. He’s completely aware of every single thing that happens to you.He sees them all.

I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:31) Believe this day that for every challenge you face,God has given you his grace to be a victor.

I am strong and Courageous (Deuteronomy 3:16)

I am Forgiven ( 2 Corinthians 5:17) Speak this Christian Positive Affirmation and get rid of that guilt today.

I will not be led astray (Psalm 71:17)

My Future is secure
(Philippians 1:16) As you speak this Biblical positive affirmation for women believe that no matter what you go through, God’s glory will be revealed through your life

All things are working for my good
(Romans 8:28) Dear Jewel, believe that God is intentional about your life, and all things are going according to his plan for you, do not be in despair. Rather, proclaim this godly woman affirmation and hold on to God’s promise.

My battles are won ( Deuteronomy 20:4)

I am not afraid
(2 Timothy 1:7). This is a great Christian positive affirmation” because it shows that fear does not hold you captive rather you are blessed with so many gifts in order to overcome your problems

I have peace (Philippians 4:6-8)

I am an overcomer ( 1 Corinthians 15:57)

There is still more work to do. Saying these godly woman affirmations is a great start but is just part of the process. What you say, do and think continually is really important . Everywhere you go, carry along with you these godly woman affirmations and let them guide your thoughts and actions.