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Currently listening to Moment of worship by Kathryn Kuhlman.

Happy New Year guys!
It’s 2018. Wow.
Does anyone else think the years are flying by?
I mean I was 5 just yesterday.
But I guess that’s the thing about time. It doesn’t really wait for us; it just goes on and on and expects us to do what we should at the right time.
As a little girl, I couldn’t wait to become a grown up, make my own decisions, get into the university, even get married. Now life’s coming so fast I’m like “waiiittt, can we slow down a bit, I know I wanted this but chill”.
The rapidness of my growth last year, made life really dawn on me. I mean, I’ve always been growing mentally even physically ahead of my peers since I was little but last year opened up a lot to me; this is a story for another day.

One of the things I learnt last year was how time works. Time is a unique entity; its dynamics amaze me. Everything seems to be moving slowly but before you know it, time has flown past, and you’re wondering why it didn’t tell you first.

The only time you really have is this “slowly passing” time which is now.

The title of this post should have been “Lazy“, “Laziness” or something related but what actually brought about this post was the word “barren“. When I thought of it, my creative juices started to bubble.
We definitely have experienced barrenness in various areas and aspects of our lives.
Many things are responsible for unfruitfulness and barrenness but one of the major causes is Laziness.

Proverbs 24 (AMP)


:I went by the field of the lazy man, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;

31:And, behold, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles were covering its face, and its stone wall was broken down.

32:Then I beheld and considered it well; I looked and received instruction.

33:Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleepβ€”
34:So shall your poverty come as a robber, and your want as an armed man.

Barrenness is the property of not supporting life. And growth is the proof of life so wherever there’s no growth, there’s unfruitfulness (barrenness) then there’s death.
Barrenness and laziness go hand in hand. When you refuse to work with what you have, there’s bound to be unfruitfulness.

Whatever you do not engage will not produce fruits.

Even biological barrenness is mostly due to damage to fallopian tube or uterus which incapacitates them and causes them not to work.
No matter how beautiful a seed is in the hands of a farmer, it won’t produce food for him if it remains there; it has to be put to work.
Jesus told a parable of a rich man who gave different talents to his workers according to their abilities and traveled.
The servant who was given just one talent, didn’t put it to work, instead he buried it.
The master gave them talents according to their abilities. The laziness and slothfulness of this last servant only goes out to prove that he wouldn’t have handled more better.
Stop complaining about how little you have and put it to work.
If you can’t handle that little, what makes you think you will be able to handle more.
Nobody has empty hands; there’s always something.
Pull the trigger at laziness and you won’t need to pull another trigger at barrenness.

Proverbs 10 (NIV)


:Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.
5:He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.
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When You Feel Numb And “not-spiritual” – Powerful Keys That’ll Dramatically Improve Your Spiritual Life.

My Christian life has been sweet, to say the least. Meeting Jesus is the best thing that has happened to me and my life.
This joy that I have is available for everyone.
If you haven’t experienced it, please say this prayer.

“Heavenly father, I’m empty without you. I want to feel the joy and warmth that comes from a relationship with You, Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you, make it yours.”

Welcome to the family of Christ.
You’re now a Kingdom citizen, get a bible, a book and a pen, join a bible believing church close to you and get filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

I carry the Spirit of God – the same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead on my inside but there are still times when it doesn’t feel like it.
There are times when I feel everything but spiritual. Times when I feel numb and void of God’s presence. Are you familiar with this?
Different things could be responsible for this; an attack from the devil, challenges, polluted atmospheres, a dying prayer and Word life etc.

What do you do when it feels like God has left you?

I devised five ways to come out of this.

  • Be still : It may not actually be that you’re spiritually unhealthy; you may just be too occupied and overwhelmed. The first thing to do when you’re so busy that it feels like God has left you, is to stop! There are dimensions of God that you can’t see in a busy atmosphere.

Psalms 46:10 KJV: Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth

  • Meditate ; The Word of the Lord is very powerful. The Bible is beyond just a “book”. It is a compendium of mysteries. If sensitive enough, you can actually hear God through constant meditation and reading of the Bible.

Psalms 4;4KJV: Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.

  • Worship : Sincere and deep worship in reverence to God, draws His Presence to you. Worship is one of the fastest ways to ascend God’s presence. It’s beyond just music so whether you’re playing worship from your phone or singing with your mouth, your heart must be in tune and aligned. Staying in an atmosphere of worship is called “soaking” in the spirit; this is one of the prices of intimacy with the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray in tongues : Tongues are languages in the realm of the Spirit. When you pray in tongues, there is a response in the spiritual realm because it is a language that identifies you as a spiritual being. Praying in tongues or praying in the Spirit is communicating with God and not man. One of the lies the devil uses to deceive Christians is that praying in tongues is not for everyone. The only way to pray effectively is to pray in the spirit. Praying in tongues will revolutionalize your prayer life.
  • Fellowship : There are times when I feel like I am spiritually dehydrated and what I do is to go to the midst of Christians to ride on the wings of fellowship in unity. There is a church, fellowship, spiritual movement, youth fellowship et cetera, close to you. Find your way there and soak. This is one of the easiest keys because you’re stepping into an already made atmosphere to tap into what’s available there.

Finally, always be concious of the fact that you carry God’s Spirit.

Have a great weekend, see you next week!

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A word I’ve come to hate

They’ve all gone, very far

Some are close to getting “it”

Others are not, but they are all far ahead of me.

Yet you ask me to wait!

You keep holding me back here

I know I have what it takes

I know the costs and the stakes

I can do more than their expectations

I know I can surpass their peaks.
Why do you keep holding me back?

Why won’t you let the spotlight shine on me?

Why won’t you let me go out and get a “name”?

Do you hate me so much that you don’t want to see me celebrated?

What is it about me that you have refused me to be revealed?

You keep whispering, in my ears, “Wait, wait”.

I’m getting tired of waiting …..

His reply

“And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.

Your day of shewing is yet to come

I love you too much to put you out there prematurely.

You despise this desert experience, but you’re ignorant of the fact that it’s building you..

Wait, my child or you’ll rise  like smoke only to disappear without a trace. 

Wait princess, lest you be like them, here today and gone tomorrow.

Wait for the appointed time

Wait for your time of “shewing”

They may have gone ahead of you but they are not ahead of you

Because when I’m ready to reveal to the world what I’ve been working on, in you, I accelerate you. 

Have you not heard?  ‘They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they  shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not  be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.’

So wait, for in no time your wings will be ready to soar.”