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Daily affirmations for Christians || Read this Everyday!

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,
Psalms 107:2 NKJV One of the best morning routines you can have is getting and boldly saying daily Christian affirmations.

The Bible is clear on the words we should be saying with our mouths.
If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.”
I Peter 4:11 NKJV

It is good to say random affirmations and declarations but the affirmations and declaration that carry real power are from the word of God.

Two things happen when you hold on to daily affirmations for Christians and say them;
1. You establish those words and authorize them to work in your life.
2. You become more confident and your faith is strengthened because you have reminded yourself time and time again of who you are and what you have access to through God.

The Bible says that the power of life and death are in the tongue. I implore you to choose life via your words. One way to do that is saying daily affirmations for Christians.
It may sound like you’re just saying the words but it is way beyond that and there is great power in the words that you’re saying.

Below are some powerful daily declarations for Christians that will change your life!

I am grateful for the life that I have. Although, I may not be where I want to be just yet, but I am not where I used to be.
I am grateful for another day that I have been made to see.
I am completely, fully, and entirely loved by God.
I am accepted by God and I can boldly come to his throne.
I am not too much for God to handle.
I hear the voice of God and I know what to do at all times.
I draw strength from God for my daily tasks. Everywhere I am weak, God is strong in me.

I have a purpose and everything I do today, is a step towards fulfilling it.
I will not waste my time on the wrong things or frivolities today. Instead, I am productive, wise, and prudent with time.

Today, I am productive and God teaches me to make profit.
I will love, respect and be kind to people because that is what God expects of me.
I will not compare or compete with anybody because, I find my essence and identity in God.
I will not annoy or upset anyone and I will not let anyone provoke me because I have the fruits of the Spirit and I am patient and kind.
I have the Holy Spirit within me, the wisdom of God. So I know how to handle every situation before me.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

I will not beat myself up if I make mistakes but I will learn from them and plan ahead because tomorrow is another day to make things right.

Thank You Jesus.

Daily Affirmations With Anointing Salt

Hello! I’m Anointing Salt and on this podcast, I will be sharing with you daily affirmations from scripture. I know this would fire up your day and give you purpose for living. See you at the top! Click on the image above.

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2021 Spiritual Goals? || 11 Awesome Devotionals on Youversion for you!

2021 is still a new year.
We are done with 1 lap. 11 more to go.
I’m very certain that you have one or two things written down which you hope to achieve this year. I’m talking about goals.

Goals are good. They help you focus and give you direction.
However, there is one goal which should be permanent in the life of a believer and we can find it in scripture. Apostle Paul stated it.

“…that I may know Him…”
Philippians 3:10 NKJV

“I want to know Christ better and better…” Philippians 3:10 EASY

This should be every believer’s permanent goal. To know God. That is the only way to remain peaceful and sane in this chaotic world. That is the only way to be effective ambassadors of God in our different areas of life.
Knowing God is not a destination. It’s a journey.
In fact, the more of Him you know, the more you want to know.

So, if all you have set are career goals, health goals, financial goals, and relationship goals, but not spiritual goals, then your goal setting is lacking a very key and major component.
Set a goal to know God more daily.

How do you do that? Prayer and study of the Word.

Cliche right?

But there’s no other way.

You grow in God when you spend time praying and studying the Bible with Revelation from the Holy Spirit.

One way to encourage your Bible study is taking devotionals.
Thanks to technology, you do not even have to purchase a devotional pamphlet anymore.

There are millions of devotionals online. Below I shared some from Youversion Bible App. Do you have the Bible App on your phone?
If not, please read this post to understand the Bible app so you can benefit from this post.

Below are some amazing Devotionals that I have taken and I’m certain will bless you in no small way. These are random; for different areas of life. Marriage, relationship, hearing God, wisdom, Creativity and others.

I will be making this kind of posts often because I still have many more awesome devotionals to share and I’m still going to find more.
But for today, take a look at these devotionals and I’m sure you’ll be blessed by them.

You can save the devotionals for later on the Bible app or save the blog post and share with friends so you can refer to it later when you’re done with one devotional.


How To Recognize The Voice Of God

Bezalel: Exploring Your Creative Calling

Who I Am In Christ

Comparison Trap

Wisdom Workout

Six Steps To Your Best Leadership

The Book Of Mysteries: 14-Day Devotional

The Mind – Mental And Emotional Health

The Book of Psalms

Marriage That Works • Devotional

Do you use Youversion Bible app? Share some of your favorite devotionals below

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10 things the Christian lady should do in her twenties 20s

Your twenties are very defining years of your life. This is not to say that if you have passed your twenties then all hope is lost. No.
Hope is never lost with God. And whatever age you may be, the day you decide to change your life for the better is the day your life begins to change.

But this post is particularly for ladies in their twenties who need direction on what to do. Your twenties are a very significant time in your life and such a great time to ensure some things are intact. The world has so much to say about things we should do in out twenties. All kinds of bucket lists to be ticked. But as believers, our priorities differ so, our focus will definitely be different. This is why this blog post was made. To help the Christian lady know what to focus on.

If you fail to do the important things now, it’s still fine. It’s just important to note that it is way better to be on the right part and build your life now than to try to fix it later or try to find the right path later when you could have just done it earlier.
It’s okay to make mistakes and bad decisions but when we realize that at some point in our lives, our mistakes and decisions stop affecting just us. They start affecting many people connected to us, both now and in future, we’ll try to minimize the number of mistakes we make.

Also, God’s plan and purpose for our lives will be delayed or even completely erased if we fail to align, and set ourselves on the right path.

So, I’m sharing few things Christian ladies in their twenties should start working on doing if they haven’t already started. This post is for ladies who have gone way past their twenties too. It’s never too late to start.

Share this with all the ladies in your life.

1. Strengthen your relationship with God

Your twenties is a great time to start solidifying your relationship with God. Whether you have had a great relationship with God before now or your relationship with God has been shaky. This is the time to sit down and build that relationship by developing healthy Christian habits that draw you closer to God and helps you see Him better.

Listen to great preachers and messages about Jesus. But more importantly, study your Bible and take your quiet time with God very seriously.
No age automatically comes with knowing God. It is your efforts to spend more time with God that yields results and makes you a person filled with the Spirit of God.
So, don’t wait any further! Dive into the word of God, study, worship, spend time with God, and be immersed in Him.

2. Get a clue about purpose

Your life was intentionally arranged by God. There’s a reason you’re on earth and God is going to reveal the picture to you in small parts.
Now is the time for you to press into God and begin to receive light and direction for where God wants to take you.
You will begin to receive hints and clues. Grab them, and work with them. Find people of like minds, be encouraged by them and encourage them too.

3. Develop great mental strength

Your mind is your asset. The core of your functioning as a human.
This is the place where God starts to transform a person or Satan starts to destroy a person. Focus on your mind and what you feed it with.
Feed your mind with resources that strengthen it and not weaken it. The first thing your mind should feed on is the word of God (Rom 12:2). Let your mind be renewed by God’s Word every second.
Then, feed on healthy materials. Podcasts, books, blogs, documentaries, videos, even movies if they help you become better.
Strengthen your mind with the right principles and philosophies.

4. Have settled convictions about God

This is extremely important. Let your convictions about God be deep and certain.
Seek to know Him more personally. Listen and read deep and revelatory teachers of the Word and follow people who love and are following Christ. People whose convictions about God is clear.
But more importantly again, know God for yourself. Be firm in faith. Stay rooted, unmoveable.
Let no one sway you around with different kinds of beliefs.

5. Confront your fears

If you’re someone who doesn’t fear much, that’s amazing. But if you’re someone who has loads of fears on different areas of life, this is a great time to confront them and put them under your feet.
For one, the Word of God is the solution to every form of fear, no matter how unique it is. If you searched the Word deep enough, you’d find scriptures that addresses everything you fear and when you engage them, you’ll be surprised how fear will be brought under you.
Don’t let fear keep plaguing you or you’ll become a slave to it. Find people who have overcome that fear and let them show you the way.

6. Develop healthy habits now

Eating healthy, working out, being kind to people, meditating, volunteering, respectfully disagreeing with people without being insulting, being confident, managing relationships, and being content.
Develop habits that make for a happy, healthy, successful, and peaceful life.

7. Think about money

Money is carnal, yes. But it is a very important tool here on earth. The Bible says that money answers all things (Ecc 10:19).
This is the time for you to begin to look at money and your money making abilities. The time to study about finances and how it works. The time to ask God to teach you how to profit (Isaiah 48:17).
You may still be enjoying freebies and bonuses from friends and family for now but that will not continue forever. And even if it does, you want to be able to say confidently that you have your own portion that you have worked for.
Learn about making money, businesses, and investments. Read books.
If you intend getting married, it is important for you to be financially balanced to be a suitable help meet. The Bible talks about the Proverbial woman who goes out, sees a field that looks good and buys it for her family (Prov 31:16).

She didn’t have to call her husband to ask for money in that scripture. She was even said to be a business woman who makes clothes and sells them. She was a “smart money woman” (Prov 31:24).

Even if marriage is not in your plan at the moment (or ever), it is important for you to have something good going on concerning money.
You make life much easier for your family and everyone else when you have something for yourself. You aren’t totally dependent on anyone. Neither are you a parasite.
You are able to finance good causes on earth, give to the poor (Prov 31:20), sow seeds, help people like Tabitha (Acts 9:38) and push kingdom projects forward.

You may not necessarily be a billionaire (immediately) but you can start from somewhere and be committed to growth and learning.

8. Have fun… sensibly

This is part that the world magnifies to you. Many people keep saying your 20s is the time to have fun, travel, and take all the risks in the world.
I agree.
But let everything be done in wisdom and with moderacy.
Take calculated risks.
Go for fun activities but don’t compromise.
Travel if it is within your means.

9. Grow reasonable relationships.

This is a whole book on its own. But I’ll summarize it.
Meet people. Be kind to everyone. Make friends with the right people who have the same values as you and will help you grow. Networkkk.
Keep toxic people away but don’t cut people off unnecessarily.
If love finds you, don’t run away.

10. Start making your own decisions

This is the final one I’ll talk about because it’s one I just started working on recently myself.
I read somewhere that when you stop asking people for advice on every single thing and start making your decisions by yourself more often, it makes you trust yourself more.
This is profound.
It is good to ask for counsel and listen to great people so that you don’t make unnecessary mistakes.
But at this point in your life, you shouldn’t still be running to people for advice on every basic decision you need to make. Train yourself to look carefully at options and decide.
You will make many stupid mistakes, yes.
But you will grow. You will learn. And you will trust yourself and the Holy Spirit in you more.
When you don’t have access to mentors and friends to seek advice from, you will confidently make decisions and face the outcome gracefully.

Read: Celibacy, Sexual urges, and the Christian woman

Are you in your twenties? Let me know what you picked from this post and what you think is important to learn.