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When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
I Corinthians 13:11 NKJV

There’s a mentor of mine who I love very much. I always admire the level of the wisdom of God she displays and applied to every area of her life. Her Christian walk inspires me daily, because she lives a very practical Christian life, applying scriptural principles to every thing she does.
She communicates with so much intelligence, wisdom, and eloquence. She’s a role model for me in many areas of life.
That is why when I watched a video of hers yesterday where she shared one of her experiences in college – how she was suspended from school – I was shocked to my bones. I wasn’t shocked just because she was suspended, – that could have resulted from a mixup or a mistake.

What shocked me was the reason for the suspension. She had been suspended because of something very terrible and dangerous she did.

She had left her college that year without permission from anyone and traveled out of the country with an older Friend who was of the opposite sex. And she didn’t just go alone, she took another friend of hers with her.
Thankfully, nothing evil happened to them, but it didn’t end well, as they had to rush back from the country they traveled to, when they got word that they was being sought after in school. She ended up not enjoying the journey, and still getting suspended from school for a month.

As she shared this story, I found it almost unbelievable. Because, the person I now know her to be, doesn’t align with the person in her story. And from all she said, it wasn’t a mistake then. That was how she was. Cause she did more of that, in different forms.

While she narrated the story, she also expressed her disbelief and utter shock in the things she did. She almost couldn’t believe she was the one who did all those.
I was equally surprised. How was it possible that someone I know now to be so wise, godly, intelligent, and phenomenonal, was ever childish, and unreasonable?

Hours later, when I was going through my Bible, God began to remind me of some of the things I had done many years back, when I was younger. Childhood shenanigans that I now find it difficult believing that I did.
Childish talks, unreasonable behavior, foolish decisions, so many insensible things.
Even till I got to high school. In high school, it was like a new level of immaturity was unlocked and I began to make even more foolish decisions, living life with so much carelessness and indifference.
I didn’t have a care in the world.
And a perfect excuse for this would have been that I didn’t know God or I didn’t care about Him then. But I don’t have the privilege of using that excuse because I was very much aware of God and I even “loved” Him.
I just didn’t “carry him on my head.”

I always thought to myself that loving God didn’t stop us from having fun or living our normal lives.
But boy, was I so wrong.

I’m not saying that loving God stops you from having a great life, but what I defined as fun then, was irresponsibility, nonchalance, and a careless life.

I didn’t have a very personal relationship with God. I knew He existed, I had daily morning altar with my family, I even prayed to God personally a few times on my own. But I was a child. One that had so much to learn.

Fast forward to today. I am a totally different person.
It’s almost like I wasn’t even the one who lived so unreasonably just some years back.
The difference is surreal. What happened?
I grew.

It didn’t happen in a day, a week, a month, or even a year. But it happened over the course of time.

Day after day. Week after week. I was evolving. Becoming.
I still am.

I have evolved so much that the contrast between the former me, and the now me, is almost unbelievable.
A lot of change happened. Friends had to go. Acquaintances changed. My routine, interactions, social media follows, places I went to, changed.

And like an egg molts to a larva, regardless of the discomfort that comes with it, I ecdysed.

The beautiful thing about the scripture I quoted above in 1 Corinth 13:11 is that it didn’t stop at talking about the level of growth that has been attained. It talked about another level of even more remarkable, and amazing growth.
This is telling you that although you’re commended for outgrowing childishness, that’s not all.
You must still be dedicated to growth.

You have outgrown many childish behavior, but you’re still very limited in different areas. There’s still so much you don’t know. But that’s the beautiful thing about growth, isn’t it?
Just as you ascended from the level you were before, you are also ascending from this level.
A time will come when you’ll look back at where you are now, and almost be surprised that this ever happened.
And this applies to every area of your life.

The NLT says; When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
1 Corinthians 13:11‭-‬12

If I say that the current version of you is not the best version, I’ll be very unfair to you with such understatement.
The current version of you is NOTHING compared to who you can grow and evolve to be.
Your potential is actually endless.
But you will only see the better and refined you, if you commit to growth.

For now we see but a faint reflection of riddles and mysteries as though reflected in a mirror, but one day we will see face-to-face. My understanding is incomplete now, but one day I will understand everything, just as everything about me has been fully understood.
1 Corinthians 13:12 TPT

ButFor now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God].
1 Corinthians 13:12 AMP


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10 thoughts on “Grow

  1. I love, love, LOVE growth and this was a lovely read.
    Ahh yes, those foolish things we did, lol. I feel they’re all part of the process though, somehow. Still figuring that out, lol.

    1. I can’t help but embark on a little journey in the course of reading this post. Lots of immature and foolish things I had done while growing up…. Well, those are things that make up memories.

      Thanks for sharing.

      1. Yesss. They make up memories. Thanks for reading

    2. Yesss. Part of the process. Thanks for reading Amami.

  2. One thing I absolutely love about Jesus is that he can use all of our mistakes and foolishness and turn them into major blessings to help someone else and take us into our destiny and fulfill our calling. I thoroughly enjoyed your post. I would also really love to get in touch with you as soon as you find it convenient.

    1. Absolutely! Thanks for reading. Please send me an email

  3. It’s great to see other righteous people that have fallen seven times but have risen up eighth times… I love the way you shared your experience ma, it relates to every sincere believer. God bless you ma… love you so much

    1. Thank you for reading Afi. God bless you

  4. Dupe, I resonate so much with this. Sometimes I ask myself, what I was thinking then looking at some decisions I made. Thank God for GROWTH, Thank You for Sharing!

    1. I’m glad! Yes, growth really makes us reminisce. Thank God for growth. Thank you for reading

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