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MAXIMIZE: Discover Your Innate Gift And Make The Most Of It (Part One -1)

It’s not, Jane.

This issue of innate giftings and it’s connectedness to the matters of good success on the earth cannot be overemphasized. In fact, it is an important necessity to note, and one to be intentional about.

As I read through the mail you sent last week, I could see the many questions on your heart about this supposed cliché often thrown around, ‘discover your gift and work with it.’

Well, I think it’s true that what comes naturally to us, we often take for granted. And usually, in that passive state, many often think or assume that what comes easy for them is the same with others, but really, it’s not. On this matter, it’s important that you are intentional about living in an active mode, not a passive state.

First of all, I think it’s a recognition problem. And it’s good that we start from there.

Without recognizing what you’ve been given by God, nor its importance, you will not harness it, neither maximize it, talk less of being the blessing you are meant to be, through your unique life contributions.

I felt the need for us to do a review on this subject, so that your recognition system can see the light, embrace it, make solid conclusions that births conviction and set the sail in the right direction, through consistent actions that are premised on understanding of yourself, and how life has been designed by The Creator of this system we currently live in, called earth..

I truly hope that, by the provisions of grace, coupled with your committed resolve to being the best version of yourself, you can bring utmost Glory to our Maker through the associated fruits your life bears, as you work your privileged gifting in the room of diligence, responsibility and productivity.

GOOD TO GREAT (Hedgehog Concept)

Let me begin with this story, I read it some years ago from the fruit borne out of a massive research work, Jim Collins and his team did in the 90’s. It lasted about five years, and during this period, they studied 1435 companies in the U.S; examining their performance for 40years.

To do this, they reviewed case studies, annual reports, articles and books. They also examined financial analysis of each company, totaling about 980 combined years of data, conducted 84 interviews with senior managers and board members of the companies, while also scrutinizing professional and personal records of 56 CEOs.

You’d see this was a large scale study, they equally analyzed compensation plans, reviewed organization’s working systems plus the role technology played in getting the results these companies achieved.

Finally, they shortlisted 11 companies that they termed Good to Great companies, and their findings are contained in a book titled Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap … And Others Don’t (HarperBusiness, 2001)

They made quite a number of discoveries, but I want to focus on a common theme they observed in the operating mode of these 11 Great companies, they called it the ‘Hedgehog Concept’

This concept is based on an understanding each organization had, a value system that helped the organization create a unique identity by which they made company decisions

The term Hedgehog concept was coined from the simple adaptive behavior of the animal called hedgehog, using its strength and abilities to thrive, survive and outwit the fox whenever the fox attacks it in the woods.

The hedgehog is a small mammal characterized by its spiky covering, and has the habit of rolling itself into a ball when attacked, thus using its spiky covering as a protective shield.

The fox is said to know many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing about itself, which it uses to its advantage.

The fox spends the day planning complex strategies on how to attack the hedgehog, while the hedgehog simply goes around his own activities, when the fox finally attacks, the hedgehog simply rolls itself into a spiky ball and despite the craftiness of the fox, the hedgehog always wins with the fox retreating with a bloodied nose.

What do you see Jane? Here is a case of one simple action based on the strength the hedgehog knows it has.
Jim and team called the 11 great companies ‘Hedgehogs’ and according to him and his team, these 11 great companies had a defined identity that influenced company decisions.

But how did they get the identity, you may want to ask?
They created it by answering these three questions about their company operations, and with that answer, they created profound success..

We shall look at the questions in the next part.

Read part two Here

Festus A.

7 thoughts on “MAXIMIZE: Discover Your Innate Gift And Make The Most Of It (Part One -1)

  1. Absolutely amazing,fresh ideas & wisdom in this new season ma

    1. Amen Salem
      Thank you

  2. […] the spirit of valentines and Cupid terrorizing people upandan, I decided to take a break from our maximize series to have a chitchat with you […]

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